Bill Leavens
Vice President
Bill Leavens actively farmed in the Musconetcong Valley in Asbury in the 1980's. During that time he developed a growing appreciation of the scenic beauty of the area. He was one of the early trustees of the Musconetcong Watershed Association. Through that experience he became ever more concerned about the environmental threats to the river and surrounding area. Bill assumed the Presidency of MWA in 2000 and helped manage its growth for the next decade. During that period the Association removed two dams in Hackettstown, attained national Wild and Scenic status for the Musconetcong and built the River Resource Center. He continues in service as Board Secretary. He also serves on the Washington Township (Morris) Planning Board and is a member of the Township's Environmental Commission. Bill regularly kayaks in and flies over the Musconetcong Valley.