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High School & College Lectures
Please contact the MWA to discuss booking a presentation or to discuss your high school or college seminar needs. The topics below can be presented as standalone lectures, or in conjunction with a field trip. They can also be presented as a multi-week lecture series. We can discuss your particular needs and interests or you can choose from one of the following:
Water Quality Science: can also be combined with a field trip
Relationship between Land Use and Water Quality
State and Federal Environmental Regulations: including the Clean Water Act, Stormwater Regulation, Highlands Act
River Restoration: including Dam Removals (can also be combined with a field trip)
The Federal Wild & Scenic River Program
Green Building: The LEED Process (can also be combined with a field trip)
Restoration of the Asbury Graphite Mill
Gardening with Native Species: can also be combined with a field trip
Recreational Opportunities in the Musconetcong Watershed
Suggested Donations

$50 for standalone lecture
$140 for combined lecture and field trip
$40 per lecture when a series of 2 or more lectures are booked
Please call (908) 537-7060 or email to schedule a lecture or a field trip or for more information.
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