Scout Programs
The Musconetcong Watershed Association offers programming for Scouts of all ages. We can discuss your particular needs and interests, or you can choose from one of the following existing lessons:
Girl Scouts:
Daisy badges: Clover petal (Use Resources Wisely); Rosie petal (Make the World a Better Place); Trail Adventure
Brownie badges: Bugs; Hiker; Outdoor Adventurer; Senses
Junior badges: Animal Habitats; Flowers
Cadette badges: Night Owl; Trees
Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards: Contact us to discuss project ideas.
$8 per child; up to 20 children;
There is no fee for chaperones.
Cub Scouts & BSA:
Tiger Cub badges: Backyard Jungle; Tigers in the Wild
Wolf Cub badges: Paws on the Path
Bear Cub badges: Beat of the Drum; Fur Feathers and Ferns
Webelos badges: Into the Wild; Into the Woods
BSA Merit Badges & Eagle Scouts: Contact us to discuss project ideas.
For More Information
or to Schedule
Please call (908) 537-7060 or email