Warren Glen Dam Removal Gaining Momentum

Our House delegation is supporting the Warren Glen Dam Removal! In an action on Wednesday, Representative Lance, and co-sponsor Representative Gottheimer, succeeded with introducing an amendment in the Water Resources Development Act (the massive bill that funds Army Corps of Engineers' water projects) on the House floor to expedite the Warren Glen Dam removal feasibility study. MWA reached out to several partners and were able to secure endorcement for the amendment from the Highlands Coalition, NJ Audubon, The Nature Conservancy: NJ Chapter and Trout Unlimited.
The Army Corps only funds one ecological restoration project a year. They could fund up to $3 million toward the dam removal study.
The Express-Times covered the story, with quotes from MWA and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service about the importance of the Warren Glen Dam removal. The Warren Glen Dam was used for hydropower, but is no longer in use. The Musconetcong's variable flows mean the river is not a reliable source for hydropower. When removed, safety would increase for downstream residents, boaters could pass through the scenic Musconetcong Gorge, and habitat will increase for migratory fish, like American Shad, American Eel, Alewife, Striped Bass, and for the resident Native Brook Trout population. With the dam removed, this section of the Musconetcong may also be eligible for National Wild & Scenic River status!
The Amendment is located in the Congressional Record as is the floor speech by Representative Lance (see pages H4829-H4830 in this link).
The Water Resources Development Act will also be reviewed by the Senate. MWA is reaching out to both Senators Booker and Menendez, as well as being in touch with the Army Corps. It's great to have champions in D.C. like Representatives Lance and Gottheimer, and we thank them for their support of making the Musky better!