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Dam Removals: Warren Glen

Plans are underway for MWA's largest anticipated removal

Making Headlines

As the largest dam on the Musconetcong River, Warren Glen will be a large undertaking to remove.  MWA and partners have already met with representatives in Washington D.C. to help secure funding for this project.

Click here to see how Rep. Lance, Rep. Gottheimer, and the Army Corps. of Engineers are working to restore the flow of the Musconetcong River!

Removal of the Warren Glen Dam would make the Musconetcong River free-flowing from the Delaware River all the way up to Bloomsbury.

Click below to see the MeTV interview of MWA Executive Director Alan Hunt.

Click here for more info on the

Warren Glen Dam

Why We Remove Dams

As with all dam removals, this project started when the dam owner made the decision to have their dam removed.  In 2012, MWA received a letter from International Process Plants and Equipment Corporation (IPPE) stating that they were interested in removing 2 obsolete dams on their property and looking to partner on next steps.  In a river like the Musconetcong, the flows fluctuate seasonally and can be too low for months at a time to generate sufficient hydropower to meet modern needs.  Dam owners find themselves in possession of a highly regulated piece of infrastructure that requires considerable maintenance and is no longer “pulling its weight.”  In addition, dam owners are eager to rid themselves of a potential liability that might occur in the event of a dam failure during a storm event and flooding or an accident that may occur during recreational use.

When an owner wishes to remove a dam there are usually organizations that can step in to facilitate the process and help to assemble funding accomplish removal.  In general, these organizations become involved because of a desire to improve water quality for human and aquatic life, reconnect fisheries and provide kayakers and canoeists with safe passage free of portages and treacherous hydraulic traps below the dams.  Fishermen will enjoy a greater variety of native fish to catch, possibly including shad, following the dam removal.  In the northwestern part of New Jersey, where karst geology is predominant, surface water quality cannot be separated from groundwater quality.  The health of our rivers and streams is only one degree of separation from the health of our drinking water.







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